Statutory framework


Passage of sound.

Part E ‘Resistance to the passage of sound’ amended in 2004, 2010, 2013 and 2015 gives detailed guidance on noise reduction measures for buildings where people live and sleep, as well as formalising the situation for schools.

The building types covered are:
- Houses and self-contained flats
- ‘Rooms for residential purposes’ (RRPs) - used for living or sleeping but not a flat, for example within hotels, hostels, student accommodation and elderly persons’ homes
- ‘Schools’

The requirements and options for designers are building-type specific and can be summarised as follows:

New homes and RRPs - comply with current Part E, consider additional provisions. General requirement is for doors with good perimeter sealing (including the threshold where practical), and a sound reduction index of 29 Rw dB or mass per unit area of 25 kg/m2 in the following typical locations:

  • Doors within separating walls
  • Flat entrance doors
  • Bedroom doors in student accommodation
  • Bedroom doors in hotels

Existing homes and RRPs - consider additional provisions

Schools - comply with Building Bulletin 93. Typically doorset with a sound reduction index of 30Rw dB are specified throughout a school, although doorsets with a minimum 35 Rw dB are required in some more specialist areas, e.g. Drama rooms, recording rooms, and teaching areas for use by students with special hearing or communication needs.

Healthcare - no regulations, consider guidance
within Health Technical Memorandums (HTMs)

Other buildings - no regulations, consult our Technical Services Department

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